Well, it's been a few months since I've written my first post on here. I partially blame that on our trip to Tennessee and Texas as well as on our not having a computer for a while. It's January 10th, six days until Maya is nine months old! She has certainly been evolving more and more into a kid, her personality is developing, her motor skills are extraordinary. . . she's definitely got her own sense of humor.

Adam and I are getting to know Maya better. We can usually recognize what she wants within a few seconds of her crying or trying to get our attention. On the flip side, she is figuring us out too. She knows when she's going to get fed, when we are going to hold her, when it's time for a nap, bath-time, time for play, time for quiet play, time for diaper changing, when we're going for a car ride, etc. We always tell her what's going to happen before it does and she reacts differently to what we say. She is beginning to grasp the concept of "NO!" also. Why and how does she manage to find little pieces of plastic, or pennies? I have no clue.

The last time I wrote, Maya was just starting to fit in her blow-up ducky. . . well, now, she still fits, but when she takes a bath now, I think we both get soaked. She just loves bathing so much, she splashes almost all the water out of her duck before bath-time is over. Also, since the last time I wrote, I think Maya had just started scooting around. She is crawling now, and fast. She lifts up on every piece of furniture, and cruises. Some times she will let go, stand there and wobble. I am almost certain she will be walking within the next 2 weeks.
Two days ago Maya said "all done" after finishing her dinner. At first I thought it was a figment of my imagination, but then Marisa (one of my roommates) looked at me and asked me if I heard that, and I said "sure did". Immediately, I went and wrote it on the calendar. She also says "mmm", and "yum", while she is eating if it's something she really likes. She says"mamamama" and "dadadada", as well as "bah-bah" (bottle).

Christmas was a lot of fun, Maya was a hoot while opening her gifts. She was so much more interested in the wrapping paper and the packaging of her gifts than the actual gifts themselves. Adam and I were kind of expecting that from the warnings we got, but it was still hilarious watching her try to swim in the sea of wrapping paper! We didn't put a tree up this year. . . we figured she would try with all her might to knock it over!
Well, I think I am done blogging for the day. I will try to write more often.